Gundam MSIA (Mobile Suit in Action) is a non-scaled line of action figures based on the Gundam metaseries by Bandai, released for the 20th anniversary in 1999 and ran till 2008. For some releases, it has both Japanese and North American versions and a Battle Scarred sub-line that includes weathering and battle damaged parts.
Below you will see our listed MSIA items available to be ordered online:
Mobile Suit in Action MS-09 Dom second version released in 2004, based on the MS-09B Dom mass-production mobile suit featured in Mobile Suit Gundam. Most known pilots of these units were the Black Tri-Stars.
Released in 2000 and based on the first unit RX-178 Gundam Mk-II prototype MS. Featured in Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam anime. A successor to the RX-78-2 Gundam, only three units were created by the Titans.