The angelic form of Wing Zero as portrayed in the OVA Gundam Wing Endless Waltz. Recreated in stunning proportion by famed mechanical designer Hajime Katoki, Wing Zero comes with its Twin Buster Rifle, which can combine for its iconic shooting pose. Also includes two beam sabers, deployable shoulder machine cannons and a special display stand.
XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero Endless Waltz version from the ExMSiA (EMIA) sub-line of the Mobile Suit in Action line. It is based on the Wing Zero featured in Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz movie and is piloted by Heero Yuy.
The Wing Gundam Zero EW Ver. Ka created under the full supervision of Hajime Katoki will be available this year! Featuring new molding, each of the joints went through an intense examination to pursue the unfolding and interactive gimmicks for the white wings and firing poses. An incredible new feature allows the Twin Buster Rifle to be stored in the wings, and the transformation into the Neo Bird Mode has been recreated.
The impressive Wing Gundam Zero from the OVA Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz is getting the Hi-Resolution model treatment! Based on its new appearance in the Gundam Wing EW manga, it now features a transforming Neo-Bird mode, opening armor gaps for Zero System use, and 6 wings. Each Hi-Resolution model kit comes with a combination of a plastic and diecast pre-built frame that offers extraordinary detailing and posing capabilities. Armor is made of high-quality plastic materials that do not need paint or alteration and features different finishes ranging from high gloss to pearl to metallic.
Supreme Slash Version figure released for the Hong Kong Ani-Com in 2008, based on XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero (Wing Zero) featured in Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Endless Waltz OVA piloted by Heero Yuy.
This is an improved version of the Perfect Grade Kit of Wing Gundam Zero Custom after seven years of its release, now featuring semi-translucent parts with an awesome sleek pearl finish. Full inner mechanism detail on all limbs, individually jointed fingers, light-up eyes and chest (two button batteries are required and not included). Body frame is incredibly articulated. Also included are feathers (x14), metal joint parts, screws for the joints and parts, beam sabers (x2) and a twin buster rifle.
Two separate manuals are provided. The first manual features numerous photos of the kit's features and body frame, history of the unit, Zero-System, cross-sections, story of the Gundam W Endless Waltz OVA series, and product catalogue of the previous plastic kit releases of the Gundam Wing series. The second manual details each assembly step with easy-to-follow diagrams. This Model Kit "Skill Level" is 4 which indicates it is not recommended for beginners.
Wing Gundam Zero (also known as Wing Zero) is a mobile suit featured in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam Wing and later its sequel OVA/Movie Endless Waltz (redesigned by Hajime Katoki) which this kit is based on. It has been piloted by several pilots in the series however the most famous one is Heero Yuy (the main protagonist of the series).