This is a Grand Gundam and Dark Royal Gundam (exclusive) double set released in 2003, based on the Grand Gundam mobile fighter that is piloted by Gentle Chapman and featured in Mobile Fighter G Gundam. It is one of the four heavenly knights which can be combined to create the Grand Master Gundam. Do note that the other three are not included in this set.
There's new hope in the PG line! The iconic Millennium Falcon is now part of the Bandai Star Wars Plastic Model lineup as a Perfect Grade model kit! Created through thousands of hours studying the studio model used to film Star Wars: A New Hope, it is the most accurate version ever to be released. Using Bandai's color injection technology, the kit has been engineered to even have its hull damage molded into the parts while still being snap together and requiring no glue. The model even creates inner details of the ship, ranging from the cockpit to the famous boarding ramp. The kit also comes with white LED’s to recreate the ships famous Hyperdrive Engine and also to illuminate the three landing gear legs! At 19 inches long this model stands out as the ultimate Millennium Falcon model kit. Set includes dedicated display base and seated figures of Han, Luke Chewbacca, Obi-wan, C-3P0, Princess Leia.
Mobile Suit in Action Mobile Fighter Asura Gundam (2002 release), based on the GF13-041NSI Ashura Gundam mobile fighter that is featured in Mobile Fighter G Gundam. The unit is piloted by Russets Daggats.
This is a double pack Gunperry and RX-78-3 G-3 Gundam figure released in 2001. Based on the Gunperry Transport Plane which is an aerial V-TOL vehicle featured in Mobile Suit Gundam anime tv series Project V, and the RX-78-3 Gundam (G-3) which is a variation of the RX-78-2 featured in Mobile Suit Variations, Gundam Battle Universe and Gundam the Ride: A Baoa Qu. The mobile suit is piloted by Amuro Ray and Giorgio Miguel.
This is a special triple set featuring the MSΖ-006 Zeta Gundam, RX-78-2 Gundam and MSZ-010 ΖΖ Gundam figures. Released to commemorate the production after three million MSIA releases. Including the MIA releases: 015, 039 and 078 in transparent/colorless variant (Clear Version).
This is a double-figure set of Master Gundam and Mobile Horse released in 2002 (North American version), based on one of the Heavenly Kings GF13-001NHII Master Gundam featured in Mobile Fighter G Gundam anime and is piloted by Master Asia (Shuuji Kurosu). Also includes Fuunsaiki (Mobile Horse) that is used by the Master Gundam.